If you love vintage paperbacks, you have come to the right place. There are over 800 images of paperback books on this website.
Authors featured are Robert Bloch, Fredric Brown, Raymond Chandler, David Goodis, Dashiell Hammett, John D. MacDonald, Evan Hunter, Jim Thompson, Charles Willeford and Cornell Woolrich.
Cover artists featured are Rudolph Belarski, Earle Bergey, Sam Cherry, Reginald Heade, Robert Bonfils, Frank Frazetta, George Gross, Ray Johnson, Rudy Nappi, Rafael De Soto, Tom Adams, Lou Marchetti, Jeff Jones, Paul Rader, Robert Maguire, Robert McGinnis and Jim Steranko.
Publishers featured are Ace, Avon, Bantam, Banner, Berkley, Dell, Eton, Gold Medal, Graphic, Handi-Books, Lion Books, Monarch, Popular Library and Pyramid. Other authors, artists and publishers will be added as time allows.
Several pages are listed by theme. Other categories include Science Fiction, Sleaze, Lesbiana, Dustjacketed paperbacks, Vintage and Drug theme paperbacks and digests. And just added are JD books and Hillbilly books.
There's a separate site devoted to Golden Guides, the books everyone had as a kid. Enjoy the site.
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